Who Cares about Vision?


So maybe you know where I am going with this. Organizations love their vision, mission and values… or do they? While we may hear the terms often, I have observed that rarely do they inform the way a company actually conducts its everyday operations. In fact, many organizations are content to have these things remain a plaque on the wall, or buried in their employee handbooks.

It would seem that most organizations simply adopt a vision, mission and values in order to look the part; because that is what all the cool kids do. However, the real question is, why would I make a big deal about this? Do the vision, mission and values of your organization really matter? A great question indeed.

Much has been written about the merits of soft assets for an organization. However, vision, mission and values are rarely included in such talks and research. And while they tend to be treated like more of an organizational fashion statement, they actually have the power to bring very real and tangible benefits for you and your team.

So how do they connect to the work you do everyday? There is a model we like to use at Legendary Coaching called the Legendary 6. You can find it below:


So as you probably noticed there are more than 6 points. While most organizations engage in the first 6, it’s the final capstone point that can transform the way you align your organization. Furthermore, the shape of the 6 outlines something important in itself. Let me explain the model to you and why it matters for you and your team:

Vision – At its core this is the passion for what we do; the WHY we do behind the WHAT. This should inform all other parts of your organization. There is always a why behind what we do. The question is whether our why is the original mission, or has it become something else? Studies show mission drifts every 30 days in an organization so chances are if you are not constantly vision casting for yourself and your team, then people have forgotten the why behind what the company does.

Values – Values are important because they safeguard your why and how. They are the criteria you will use to protect your vision and align your mission to it. Organizations start making uncharacteristic decisions when they don’t take their values seriously. Take Volkswagen for example. They never would have lied to customers during their “dieselgate” scandal if they followed their corporate value of integrity. Someone at that board room table would have felt empowered enough and responsible to speak out about such a plan.

Mission – Finally the mission is the how of your vision and values. It’s the plan you have to share your passion and the needs you have to fulfill. This is often what people think about to some degree when they hear the name of your company. We sell tires, we make ice cream, that’s what we do. However as I mentioned earlier, there is always a greater why behind these things which needs to be kept as the focus for aligning your mission.  

From there you have your goals, objectives and action steps. These happen on an ongoing basis and comprise your daily strategy and operations. They are the loop of the 6, while the vision, mission and values form the backbone that anchors your organization. However in the stress and busyness of everyday life, these can often become disconnected from each other. You and your team get stuck in the loop of the 6 and forget the foundation of what keeps you grounded and separates you from every other company out there.

In addition to this, when you lose focus of your vision, you start making business decisions that are incongruent with your values and your productivity and innovation take a hit. While performance is important, passion will always be more attractive to your clients/customers and your team. It’s the reason why companies like Apple and Disney have been able capture the imaginations of people. They have a clear vision and values to inform it. So what is one small step you can take to start engaging your vision more? That is where we come to the final point of the Legendary 6; the one that connects the loop and the backbone. We call it Celebrating the Wins.

Celebrating the wins is a concept that you can work into the daily rhythms of your organization. It is a celebration of desired success and the relationships that got you there. The key is that it is intentionally connected to your vision, mission and values. For example, say your company sells athletic shoes and you have as vision of helping people push past their limits and achieve greatness in their life. If someone leaves your store inspired and motivated to chase their dreams, then you as a company have won, even if they didn’t purchase a pair of shoes at that moment. If you were able to create that feeling, you will win a customer and brand champion for life!

Celebrating the wins helps people reconnect with and remember the why of their work. This creates more productive people, more innovative solutions, passionate sales teams and customers who can’t wait to tell their friends about you. You can incorporate celebration into many areas like your weekly meetings or corporate retreats. Experiment and see what works for you. The key is that you connect it to your vision and do it on a regular basis. And if you feel your organization could use some help in the areas of people, alignment, leadership or execution, feel free to reach out to us and we would be happy to have a conversation about how we can help you reach new levels of success.

You can contact Michael at: michael@capstonecoaching.ca. I look forward to helping you and your team achieve success that matters!

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michael walker